Gadsden, AL, is a thriving and diverse business environment. This metropolitan region plays a major role in the growth of the economy within Alabama and the southeastern United States. Located at the nexus of Interstate 59 and Highways 77, 278, 411, and 431, Etowah County and Gadsden are in an excellent position to take advantage of the robust trade throughout the Alabama Automotive Corridor.
MSA / County
The Gadsden MSA is comprised entirely of Etowah County, which covers five hundred thirty-five (535) square miles in area, with Gadsden being its largest city and county seat. Etowah County consists of 11 Separate Cities: Gadsden, Attalla, Rainbow City, Southside, Altoona, Glencoe, Hokes Bluff, Reese City, Ridgeville, Sardis City, and Walnut Grove. Etowah County’s 2020 census population of 103,162 is ranked 11th out of 67 counties in the state. Etowah County’s (Gadsden’s MSA) Civilian Labor Force 39,020 (April 2023) unemployment 1.9%.
Gadsden is predominately single-family housing and commercial retail development. The Gadsden Country Club area, Rainbow City, and Southside are three of Etowah County’s most affluent communities. The average household income within a five-mile radius exceeds $66,779, and area homes range from $150,000 to $1,000,000+.
- Population: 103,162
- Average Household Size: 2.62
- Median Age: 40.3
- Median Home Price: $124,400
- Number of Households: 47,855
- Median Household Income: $44,934
Population Density
The northeast Alabama region boasts one of the highest overall densities of people per square mile of anywhere in the state. Etowah and Calhoun counties form the hub of this densely populated region. Etowah County and Calhoun County, at population densities of one hundred ninety-three (195.2) and one hundred eighty-four (184) people per square mile, far exceed Alabama’s state average of 87.6 people per square mile.